grounded directions for a new urban hope

Jeanne van Heeswijk


Jeanne van Heeswijk

Community Advocacy

Solidarity networks, community land-trusts, urban futures, civic imagination, training for the non-yet, collectivity.

Van Heeswijk (Rotterdam, Netherlands) is a visual artist whose work centers on the complex relationship between public space and urban renewal. She calls it “radicalizing the local” as she seeks to empower communities to become their own antidote. In the present time, she is part of several ongoing exhibitions in the public space such as Philadelphia Assembled with over 150 collaborators and organizations rethinking the present and the future of the city, Homebaked cooperative bakery and land trust Anfield, Liverpool, and Freehouse — Radicalizing the local. Van Heeswijk has participated in several biennials such as Liverpool, Venice, Taipei, Shanghai, Busan, has presented her work in more than 20 solo exhibitions around the world, and has been award with more than a dozen of the most prestigious prizes, grants, and scholarships. Van Heeswijk’s artistic practice presents a transformative contribution to the design world, for her art actively works in shaping society, and the ultimate artistic production lies within the evolution of the people involved in the process.