grounded directions for a new urban hope

Jaime Palomera


Jaime Palomera

Socio-spatial Justice and Housing Innovation

Housing policies, social justice, metropolitan inequalities, ethnographic research

Palomera (Barcelona, Spain) is an expert on housing and urban change, with a Ph.D. in Anthropology. He is the co-founder of the think tank La Hidra Cooperativa and researcher at the Institute of Government and Public Policy (UAB). Palomera is a member of the Advisory Board for the Barcelona Housing Observatory and director of the Political Economy of Housing Program. He has done research on the political economy of Southern Europe, the dynamics of real estate and financial bubbles, the development of property and rental markets, the transformations of the construction sector, and urban inequality. He has provided policy reports for a variety of institutions, ranging from the European Research Council to the Barcelona City Council. His article “How Did Finance Capital Infiltrate the Urban Poor? Homeownership and Social Fragmentation” has been selected as one of the 25 most influential urban studies papers in the last 40 years. He has done research at different global and highly prestigious institutions, such as Goldsmiths College, the Graduate Center CUNY, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, or the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.